Monday, February 28, 2005
Watch Your TiVo Program On Your Pocket PC
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "CONTENT" @ 03:00 PM
Earlier this year, TiVo started rolling out their TiVoToGo feature which allows you to watch recorded programs on your Windows based PC. One of the TiVo Community members has posted some additional steps to get that TV show on your Pocket PC.

For this to work, you need a Series 2 TiVo box, a network (wired or wireless) and the the 7.1 software update. You can read more about the specifics here. Next, you'll need Dr. Divx, which is $29.99. Finally, you need BetaPlayer 0.5 to actually watch it on your Pocket PC. .
Earlier this year, TiVo started rolling out their TiVoToGo feature which allows you to watch recorded programs on your Windows based PC. One of the TiVo Community members has posted some additional steps to get that TV show on your Pocket PC.

For this to work, you need a Series 2 TiVo box, a network (wired or wireless) and the the 7.1 software update. You can read more about the specifics here. Next, you'll need Dr. Divx, which is $29.99. Finally, you need BetaPlayer 0.5 to actually watch it on your Pocket PC. .