Monday, October 23, 2006
WebGuide4 For Windows Media Center Released
Posted by Nurhisham Hussein in "SOFTWARE" @ 06:00 PM
"Install WebGuide on your Media Center PC and access it from any machine that has a web browser. This new version couples WebGuide3's features with increased functionality and an improved interface. Now, not only can you schedule and manage your Media Center recordings, you can now access all of your music, pictures and videos! And WebGuide4 provides more access via your web-enabled mobile device which works perfectly with Windows Mobile Pocket PCs and Smartphones."

WebGuide is a Media Center add-on that allows you to manage your Media Center recordings through any web browser, including PIE on Windows Mobile. WebGuide4 includes some updates to WebGuide3, as well as support for Vista with Media Center. It seems very well done (I don't have MCE so I can't check this out), and the basic version is freeware. The license fee is $15 for activating the advanced features like sharing of photos and videos - pretty reasonable for what it does. You can download the basic version here.

WebGuide is a Media Center add-on that allows you to manage your Media Center recordings through any web browser, including PIE on Windows Mobile. WebGuide4 includes some updates to WebGuide3, as well as support for Vista with Media Center. It seems very well done (I don't have MCE so I can't check this out), and the basic version is freeware. The license fee is $15 for activating the advanced features like sharing of photos and videos - pretty reasonable for what it does. You can download the basic version here.