Monday, October 16, 2006
Mobility Site Reviews Socket's Go Wi-Fi P300
Posted by Jon Westfall in "HARDWARE" @ 06:32 PM
"I have been incredibly pleased with Socket’s Go Wi-Fi! P300. It was simple to install, easy to use and POWERFUL with the connection it provides. If you are looking for a Wi-Fi solution for your device, then Socket has a terrific solution for you."

There is no good reason for OEMs not to include (or purposely decide to disable or remove) WiFi from modern Pocket PCs or Smartphones. But if you're lusting over a device that lacks it and that device has an SD card slot, here is the newest alternative.

There is no good reason for OEMs not to include (or purposely decide to disable or remove) WiFi from modern Pocket PCs or Smartphones. But if you're lusting over a device that lacks it and that device has an SD card slot, here is the newest alternative.