Thursday, January 6, 2005
2004 - A Weird Year?
Posted by Darius Wey in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 11:00 AM
"Akiba PC Watch, a division of Japanese tech news giant Impress Watch, has posted the results of their "Weird Items Found in Akihabara" competition. Over 1,000 users submitted a total of 6,305 entries, and exactly 64 products have been labelled Weird."

I've seen some weird things in my lifetime, and 2004 was definitely a busy year for that sort of thing. Akiba PC Watch have posted an article on the 64 most weirdest things in 2004, and guess what topped the list? Our virtual keyboard friend! Other place-getters include a solar jacket (2nd place), and a wooden keyboard (33rd place). I'd agree with a few that are in the list, but I'll admit that I have seen weirder things before. Have a read of the article (Google translation here, or original Japanese here) and let your comments be heard. Are these things weird, or have you seen weirder?

I've seen some weird things in my lifetime, and 2004 was definitely a busy year for that sort of thing. Akiba PC Watch have posted an article on the 64 most weirdest things in 2004, and guess what topped the list? Our virtual keyboard friend! Other place-getters include a solar jacket (2nd place), and a wooden keyboard (33rd place). I'd agree with a few that are in the list, but I'll admit that I have seen weirder things before. Have a read of the article (Google translation here, or original Japanese here) and let your comments be heard. Are these things weird, or have you seen weirder?