Sunday, January 3, 2010
Giveaway Reminder: SBSH PhoneWeaver 2 and SBSH GoNews 1.3 Up for Grabs!
Posted by Darius Wey in "Windows Phone Events" @ 05:00 PM
In case you missed dropping by Windows Phone Thoughts during the holiday season, we drew The Noughties to a close by offering five copies of SBSH PhoneWeaver 2 and five copies of SBSH GoNews 1.3. The giveaways are still under way, though not for long! Our PhoneWeaver giveaway ends in a couple of days, so if you're keen on a chance to snag this great application, be sure to enter. Our GoNews giveaway, on the other hand, ends later in the week, though now is as good a time as any to enter. Good luck, and have a great 2010!