Tuesday, June 17, 2008
the::unwired Reviews the Gigabyte GSmart t600
Posted by Paul Martin in "Pocket PC Articles" @ 04:00 AM
"Just in time to the EURO 2008, Vodafone Germany and Giga-Byte introduced the GSmart t600 (we've previously photoviewed), a Windows Mobile 6 Professional 2.5G smartphone. While the GSmart t600 design is over one year old already (the t600 was unveiled during last year's Mobile World Congress in Barcelona) it's still quite stylish, if you like white "iPodish" mobile devices. Powered by a Marvell PXA270 CPU at 520 MHz, the GSmart t600 is a quadband GSM and GPRS device, also featuring WiFi b/g and Bluetooth 2.0. Nevertheless, neither EDGE nor W-CDMA in terms of UMTS or HSDPA are supported which might makes the device less attractive to online-savvies. But that's not the focus of the t600 anyway but the main reason for this smartphone is the fact that it supports DVB-T broadcast which allows users to watch digital terrestrial TV on the go."

Though the industry is pressing on towards 3G, there are still some second generation Windows Mobile smartphones worth considering. Arne Hess runs the Gigabyte GSmart t600 through it's paces. As Arne notes, one of the unique things about the t600 is it's inclusion of Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial, or DVB-T support. While North and South American markets are using different standards, DVB-T is available in Europe, India, Australia, and selected African countries and generally does not require a subscription fee. The t600 also comes in a DVB-H version. Check out the full review, including a detailed look at the DVB capabilities, at the::unwired.

Though the industry is pressing on towards 3G, there are still some second generation Windows Mobile smartphones worth considering. Arne Hess runs the Gigabyte GSmart t600 through it's paces. As Arne notes, one of the unique things about the t600 is it's inclusion of Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial, or DVB-T support. While North and South American markets are using different standards, DVB-T is available in Europe, India, Australia, and selected African countries and generally does not require a subscription fee. The t600 also comes in a DVB-H version. Check out the full review, including a detailed look at the DVB capabilities, at the::unwired.