Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Expansys Has the HTC Touch Diamond in Stock Now
Posted by Jason Dunn in "Pocket PC Hardware" @ 02:31 PM

If you've been itching to get your HTC Touch Diamond fix, Expansys now has the product in stock - at the time of this writing they have 134 in stock, selling for $795.95 USD. The HTC Touch Diamond has a lot in common with the HTC Touch Pro announced earlier today, the biggest difference being the lack of a keyboard and microSD card slot, but the addition of 4 GB of on-board storage. All purchased made through the Pocket PC Thoughts Expansys affiliate store go to help support the site, and your support is greatly appreciated. [Affiliate]
UPDATE: Interested in a group buy? I've spoken to Expansys and they've indicated that if between 5 and 9 units are ordered, a $25 discount would be applicable. If 10 or more units are ordered, they could do a $50 discount. Anyone interested? We might want to wait for the official UK release as well since the comments in this thread seem to indicate this is a Hong Kong version.