Monday, May 19, 2008
Alltel's Touch In Burgundy
Posted by Darius Wey in "Pocket PC Hardware" @ 08:00 AM
"The Touch has always seemed like a device that deserves a whole rainbow to itself, but for whatever reason, its many colors have been hard to find in one place. Alltel's breaking out of the mold, though, becoming just the first carrier in the US to offer multiple Touch shades in its lineup by adding burgundy to the original gray."

Not too vivid. Not too dull. I'd say Alltel splashed just the right amount of red on this one. And best of all, at $129.99 after rebate on a contract, this new look Touch won't cost you an extra cent more than the existing grey.

Not too vivid. Not too dull. I'd say Alltel splashed just the right amount of red on this one. And best of all, at $129.99 after rebate on a contract, this new look Touch won't cost you an extra cent more than the existing grey.