Thursday, April 10, 2008
Samsung SCH-M740 Featuring HSUPA
Posted by Nurhisham Hussein in "Pocket PC Hardware" @ 09:00 PM
"Sliders with numeric keypads aren't exactly the most common form factor for Windows Mobile handsets to begin with, but throw in some HSUPA and you've got a very rare combo indeed. Samsung's SCH-M470 fits that most unusual bill, throwing in a 2 megapixel camera, Bluetooth, and WiFi -- not to say you'll necessarily need it while you're cruising along at the sickeningly fast speeds the HSPA specification originally intended."
The kicker here is that the SCH-M740 (what an appealing name - not!) will only be available in Korea. I read a report the other day that there's now over 300 devices available globally with HSDPA, but only just over 60 with HSPA (i.e. HSDPA + HSUPA). What's the difference? Broadband level upload speeds, that's what - if you've ever tried transferring files while mobile or put up a big email attachment, you'll immediately see the benefit of this. Oh, and the phone doesn't look to bad either, if not quite as sexy as the Touch Dual - or the girls showing it off ;).

The kicker here is that the SCH-M740 (what an appealing name - not!) will only be available in Korea. I read a report the other day that there's now over 300 devices available globally with HSDPA, but only just over 60 with HSPA (i.e. HSDPA + HSUPA). What's the difference? Broadband level upload speeds, that's what - if you've ever tried transferring files while mobile or put up a big email attachment, you'll immediately see the benefit of this. Oh, and the phone doesn't look to bad either, if not quite as sexy as the Touch Dual - or the girls showing it off ;).