Tuesday, April 1, 2008
APRIL FOOLS: Microsoft Reveals Windows Mobile 7 - Dubbed Photon!
Posted by Rocco Augusto in "Smartphone News" @ 08:47 AM
"As CTIA kicks off today in Las Vegas, Microsoft revealed the new version of their mobile operating system, Windows Mobile Photon. This new version of Windows Mobile is lighy-years more advanced than previous versions of Windows Mobile. Equipped with a full standards compliant web browser as well as front facing cameras on all devices for video conferencing!"

[Windows Mobile Photon shown on an HTC S730!]
Well not only does Microsoft release the much anticipated Windows Mobile 6.1 today, they have also revealed the next version of Windows Mobile, dubbed Windows Mobile Photon! My only guess is that Windows Mobile 7 was a confusing codename since they are already creating a Windows 7 operating system for the desktop. I for one dig the Photon name a lot more! As you read above, the new device will sport a complete standards compliant web browser. On the Windows Mobile Standard devices, you will be able to zoom in and out on web pages using the volume up and down keys. Very smooth in the video presentation that was shown. Also it was noted that all devices will include one front facing camera for video conferencing! Now that is what I call neat!
Watch the video of the announcement here!

[Windows Mobile Photon shown on an HTC S730!]
Well not only does Microsoft release the much anticipated Windows Mobile 6.1 today, they have also revealed the next version of Windows Mobile, dubbed Windows Mobile Photon! My only guess is that Windows Mobile 7 was a confusing codename since they are already creating a Windows 7 operating system for the desktop. I for one dig the Photon name a lot more! As you read above, the new device will sport a complete standards compliant web browser. On the Windows Mobile Standard devices, you will be able to zoom in and out on web pages using the volume up and down keys. Very smooth in the video presentation that was shown. Also it was noted that all devices will include one front facing camera for video conferencing! Now that is what I call neat!
Watch the video of the announcement here!