Saturday, March 22, 2008
VITO Releases ZoomBoard 2.0 With 2 New Zoom Modes
Posted by Paul Martin in "Pocket PC Software" @ 05:30 PM
"VITO Technology releases new ZoomBoard version 2.0, an onscreen keyboard with zoomed preview for comfortable and accurate FINGER typing. New ZoomBoard allows for quick and accurate typing and can satisfy the demands of any choosy user with 3 different types of zooming: full zoom, lens zoom, float zoom. Lens zoom appears above the keyboard, Float zoom appears straight above the letter you press and the full one zooms in the whole keyboard with letters. Another new useful feature is SmartZoom. When enabling this option it is possible to zoom the pressed letters either immediately or with a delay. Another important upgrade to ZoomBoard is the significant increase of layouts. Alongside with the layouts that were available in the previous version (English, Russian, German and some others) there have appeared 32 layouts for other languages. In addition, the landscape mode has become more user-friendly it does not close all screen."

ZoomBoard 2.0 brings a few nice customizations to this iphone-esque keyboard. If you're pretty confident about your typing, the SmartZoom feature with the zoom delay might be kind of handy. Edit: Current 1.0 users qualify for a free upgrade so try it and let us know what you think. Thanks to VITO for the updated info.

ZoomBoard 2.0 brings a few nice customizations to this iphone-esque keyboard. If you're pretty confident about your typing, the SmartZoom feature with the zoom delay might be kind of handy. Edit: Current 1.0 users qualify for a free upgrade so try it and let us know what you think. Thanks to VITO for the updated info.