Sunday, March 2, 2008
Everyone's Interested In Firefox Mobile
Posted by Nurhisham Hussein in "SOFTWARE" @ 11:00 PM
"Mozilla's Firefox Mobile will hit smartphones like Windows Mobile and Linux devices later this year and as Mike Schroepfer, Mozilla Vide President Engineering, unveiled this week, beside users also mobile carriers and operators are interested to learn more about Mozilla's latest mobile device project."

I for one can't wait - while Opera Mobile 8.x is pretty good and 9.5 promises to be even better, I'm still hankering for a better browsing experience on the go (and no, I won't switch to the iPhone just for that). The more competition in this field the better, and the sooner Firefox Mobile gets going the happier I'll be.

I for one can't wait - while Opera Mobile 8.x is pretty good and 9.5 promises to be even better, I'm still hankering for a better browsing experience on the go (and no, I won't switch to the iPhone just for that). The more competition in this field the better, and the sooner Firefox Mobile gets going the happier I'll be.