Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Resco's Keyboard Pro for Pocket PCs
Posted by Janak Parekh in "SOFTWARE" @ 12:00 PM
"Resco Keyboard Pro is a handy multi-skin keyboard in a literal sense. While improving old popular aspects of this useful piece of software, developers at Resco added significant features that make this keyboard ideal for one hand use. Its new thumb mode allows users to write quickly by using only one finger. It’s easy to write capital letters, use the spacebar or backspace 'on the run' while writing a single letter. Thumb mode works with preview and correction mode, which ensures the user writes only the letters he or she really wants. The application also has a nostalgic add-on; the sound of a typewriter or any other sound can be used."

I can't help but notice the similarity to another soft keyboard design of a prominent non-Windows-Mobile handheld computer. ;) That said, if the design works for great entry on the Pocket PC, more power to them. Has anyone tried it? I'm guessing it's only practical on the larger-screened devices...

I can't help but notice the similarity to another soft keyboard design of a prominent non-Windows-Mobile handheld computer. ;) That said, if the design works for great entry on the Pocket PC, more power to them. Has anyone tried it? I'm guessing it's only practical on the larger-screened devices...