Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Get a Free Copy of Agendus for Windows Mobile
Posted by Jason Dunn in "EVENT" @ 12:01 AM

Who doesn't want free software? For one day only, Agendus and MobiHand (the company that powers our software store) have teamed up Pocket PC Thoughts to offer all of you a great piece of software for the low, low price of free. ;-) Use the coupon code AGENDUSWMFREE when checking out, and bingo bango, the $19.95 price becomes zero. It doesn't get much easier than that! If you're a Smartphone, err, Windows Mobile Classic owner, you can get the same deal over at our sister site, Smartphone Thoughts.
UPDATE: It seems there's a problem with the code, with some of you reporting that it's working and some reporting that it's not working. I've emailed my contact at MobiHand and am awaiting a response. Hopefully we can get it worked out shortly. My apologies for the poor execution on this.
UPDATE #2: Agendus for Windows Mobile Pocket PC Standard Edition is meant to be installed on Windows Mobile Classic or Windows Mobile Professional devices (Pocket PCs), *not* Windows Mobile Standard devices (Smartphones). The confusion here is that Agendus named their software in such a way that it's at odds with Microsoft's OS naming - hopefully this issue will encourage them to change their product naming so it's not so confusing.