Monday, November 26, 2007
GPSPassion Reviews The HTC TyTN II
Posted by Jon Westfall in "HARDWARE" @ 01:43 PM
"Having said that, what matters at this point is the GPS performance of the Kaiser compared to a GPS PDAPhone like the Mio A501 based on the reference SiRFStarIII chipset. The results are mixed with lower performance in pedestrian use (with Static Navigation deactivated on the A501) both in dense urban environments and in more open sites, but it remains usable and in driving mode it performs on par with the A501, except in extreme environments like underground sections, areas which you don't normally encounter very frequently."
GpsPasSion has a rather different review of the TyTN II - one almost exclusively focused on the GPS abilities of the device (Shocking, I know!). It's actually a pretty interesting read. I've been very happy with the GPS functionality of my TyTN II (it navigated me around Los Angeles last week without a problem, using Google Maps), but have always wondered how it stacked up to the SirfSTAR III.
And for what it's worth, the picture above (of his tri-mount of a Mio, TyTN II, and iPAQ) is just plain cool.

GpsPasSion has a rather different review of the TyTN II - one almost exclusively focused on the GPS abilities of the device (Shocking, I know!). It's actually a pretty interesting read. I've been very happy with the GPS functionality of my TyTN II (it navigated me around Los Angeles last week without a problem, using Google Maps), but have always wondered how it stacked up to the SirfSTAR III.
And for what it's worth, the picture above (of his tri-mount of a Mio, TyTN II, and iPAQ) is just plain cool.