Thursday, November 8, 2007
BGR Interviews HTC America VP
Posted by Nurhisham Hussein in "NEWS" @ 11:00 AM
"We got a chance to sit down, so to speak, with HTC America’s VP, Jason Mackenzie Monday evening. There was this little, tiny announcement you might have missed, and we wanted to pry in a little deeper with one of the new partners of the new Open Handset Alliance. Known for their superior Windows Mobile devices (let’s face it, that WinMo device in your hand is most likely made by HTC), they are diving in to Android-based devices to expand their portfolio. How does this play out with their Windows Mobile line-up? Is HTC going in a new direction? Better yet, when will we actually see an Android-based device? All the answers, friends, are after the jump in our interview!"

The Boy Genius has corralled HTC America VP Jason Mackenzie into answering a few questions on a number of topics, including HTC's involvement with Google's Android platform. While none of the answers were particularly earth shattering, there are some hints on Android devices that HTC are working on, as well as the different challenges in marketing in Europe and North America. Worth a quick read!

The Boy Genius has corralled HTC America VP Jason Mackenzie into answering a few questions on a number of topics, including HTC's involvement with Google's Android platform. While none of the answers were particularly earth shattering, there are some hints on Android devices that HTC are working on, as well as the different challenges in marketing in Europe and North America. Worth a quick read!