Wednesday, October 17, 2007
IM+ Giveaway: Win 1 of 10 Copies!
Posted by Jon Westfall in "SOFTWARE" @ 09:02 AM

Shape Services, the company behind one of the best Instant Messaging applications on the market, IM+, has graciously decided to offer 10 Thoughts Readers a free copy of IM+! The contest, ridiculously easy to enter and win, only requires you to take a few moments to answer the following question:
What is the single most important factor that influences your decision to purchase software for your Pocket PC?
Simply post your answer in this thread by 5 PM TST (Thoughts Standard Time, a.k.a. Mountain Daylight Time) on 10/24/2007! After all the results are in, 10 lucky readers who have answered the question will be selected randomly to win the prize.
If you're not familiar with IM+, I'd encourage you to take a look. I've played around with other IM products but have been most impressed recently with IM+, owning a copy myself, and using it whenever I have to IM somebody via my Pocket PC. It certainly is less expensive than the SMS-IM solutions found with some providers, unless you already have unlimited texts.
Good luck!!!