Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Review: Finding Your Way With TeleNav 5.2
Posted by Paul Martin in "ARTICLE" @ 04:00 PM
"One of the primary reasons I have carried a PDAPhone for several years was that I liked the idea of being able to access mapping and navigation software without carrying a separate GPS device. Up until now, that has only been a partial reality because I have always carted around a Bluetooth GPS in my pocket to use with my PDAPhone. Now with the new AT&T Tilt (HTC Kaiser / TyTN II) and its built-in GPS hardware, this is truly a reality. This has turned out to be a big advantage not having to rely on the Bluetooth GPS, but that is not the primary purpose of this review. What I hope to do here is to review the latest version of TeleNav's navigation software and compare it to some other navigation programs that I've used."

Mike Collins has reviewed navigation app TeleNav on his new AT&T Tilt. For those who like to own their software, be aware that TeleNav is featured as an add-on service from these cellular providers: AT&T Wireless, Alltel, Rogers, SouthernLINC, Sprint-Nextel, and Verizon Wireless. Also, the software is device-specific, so be sure to check for compatibility with your device first before signing up. Have you used TeleNav? Do you like it or prefer another software package?

Mike Collins has reviewed navigation app TeleNav on his new AT&T Tilt. For those who like to own their software, be aware that TeleNav is featured as an add-on service from these cellular providers: AT&T Wireless, Alltel, Rogers, SouthernLINC, Sprint-Nextel, and Verizon Wireless. Also, the software is device-specific, so be sure to check for compatibility with your device first before signing up. Have you used TeleNav? Do you like it or prefer another software package?