Thursday, September 20, 2007
Rogers Canada Launches Treo 750 with Windows Mobile 6 and HSDPA
Posted by Jason Dunn in "HARDWARE" @ 12:35 PM
"AT&T customers still have a grueling wait ahead of them (apparently) for an official Windows Mobile 6 update to their Treo 750s, but our buddies north of the border are on the ball. Canada's GSM grandpappy, Rogers, has finally gotten around to launching the device -- a bit late, yes, but with Windows Mobile 6 and enabled HSDPA out of the gate. Normally we'd say the timing sucks with a newer product having just launched overseas, but let's be honest: between the Treo 500 and the 750, we're sure there are still plenty of folks willing to take the older model. Pick it up now for $599 CAD (about $584) on a two-year contract, or a far more palatable $249 CAD (about $243) on a three-year."

The irony of me, being based in Canada, posting on a new Rogers Canada phone that we found at Engadget Mobile (a US-based site) who found about it from the::unwired, a site based in Germany, is not lost as I post this. Yes, that's how well the Rogers PR people understand the online world. <sigh> At any rate, it's nice to see the Treo 750 with both Windows Mobile 6 and HSDPA.
Unfortunately, Rogers (just like Telus and Fido) still cling to their 2001-era data rate plans. First, they offer no flat-rate data plans. The "best" data plan you can get is 500 MB of data transfer for the low, low price of $210 CAD (which is about $204 USD). :roll: The reasonably priced $40 data plan gets you a whopping 7 MB of data. Whoa! Hold me back! That's what, like, at least a DOZEN emails with attachments? The Canadian carriers are holding Canada back in the wireless dark ages with their small-minded approach to data plans. This topic needs a dedicated post that I've been putting off for months - watch for it next week.

The irony of me, being based in Canada, posting on a new Rogers Canada phone that we found at Engadget Mobile (a US-based site) who found about it from the::unwired, a site based in Germany, is not lost as I post this. Yes, that's how well the Rogers PR people understand the online world. <sigh> At any rate, it's nice to see the Treo 750 with both Windows Mobile 6 and HSDPA.
Unfortunately, Rogers (just like Telus and Fido) still cling to their 2001-era data rate plans. First, they offer no flat-rate data plans. The "best" data plan you can get is 500 MB of data transfer for the low, low price of $210 CAD (which is about $204 USD). :roll: The reasonably priced $40 data plan gets you a whopping 7 MB of data. Whoa! Hold me back! That's what, like, at least a DOZEN emails with attachments? The Canadian carriers are holding Canada back in the wireless dark ages with their small-minded approach to data plans. This topic needs a dedicated post that I've been putting off for months - watch for it next week.