Friday, September 14, 2007
HTC TyTN II Prints Documents Via Bluetooth
Posted by Nurhisham Hussein in "SOFTWARE" @ 05:00 AM
"It seems that HTC, not content with dropping the hottest and most anticipated Windows Mobile device this side of the planet, has decided to surprise everyone and drop in a hidden feature or two. A "Print via Bluetooth" option has been added to the Messaging menu. This will presumably allow users to print off an email, document, or other text by way of a nearby Bluetooth-enabled printer. Pretty gnarly! This would lead us to believe that the Windows Mobile 6 ROM that ships with the TyTN II, has a modified or updated Bluetooth stack that allows for OTA printing out of the box."

Exactly how many people out there have Bluetooth-enabled printers anyway? Still, any improvement to the Microsoft Bluetooth stack is a development to be welcomed - even if the utility of that improvement is questionable. What might be more useful is the ability to print...period. As mobile office companions, the inability to print documents is a rather big strategic hole in Windows Mobile devices. While 3rd party developers have stepped up to the plate, it's really something that should have been built into Windows Mobile from the start. Well, one can wish, can't one? Hopefully, there are more goodies yet to be uncovered...

Exactly how many people out there have Bluetooth-enabled printers anyway? Still, any improvement to the Microsoft Bluetooth stack is a development to be welcomed - even if the utility of that improvement is questionable. What might be more useful is the ability to print...period. As mobile office companions, the inability to print documents is a rather big strategic hole in Windows Mobile devices. While 3rd party developers have stepped up to the plate, it's really something that should have been built into Windows Mobile from the start. Well, one can wish, can't one? Hopefully, there are more goodies yet to be uncovered...