Monday, July 23, 2007's Xda Flame Mini-Review
Posted by Darius Wey in "ARTICLE" @ 05:00 PM
"Before I start this mini-review of the XDA Flame I have to explain that most of my usage is data and that by far the best mobile signal available to me at home is from Vodafone - who also offer some of the most expensive data rates. Also, I'll say now that I'm pleased with the Flame but it has shortcomings (as you'll find out). I've worked my way through numerous PDA's - both Pocket PC / Windows Mobile and Palm - starting with a Philips Velo 1 and ending up with an HTC Hermes. Along the way I had an Exec which I had to retire when I found I needed more data than Vodafone could offer at a sensible price - so I switched to T-mobile. The Exec wouldn't hold a signal with them but the Hermes would so that was the end of the Exec - but I really missed the VGA screen. When the Flame was announced it came with, what is for me, the perfect spec. This included infra-red - something that is vital for me but no longer available on the new HTC offerings. Because of this I decided to take the plunge and order one from Australia. Five days after spending £527 and placing my order (and that included a weekend) the Flame was in my hand. A couple of weeks after I received the Flame I also received an import duty / VAT bill - which I was expecting - of £110 making a total cost of £637, a lot for a PDA but the perfect spec doesn't come along every day!" has an O2 Xda Flame in their hands, and aside from a couple of shortcomings, they like what they see! Check out their thoughts here. has an O2 Xda Flame in their hands, and aside from a couple of shortcomings, they like what they see! Check out their thoughts here.