Friday, July 13, 2007 Conceptualizes New WM UI
Posted by Nurhisham Hussein in "SOFTWARE" @ 01:00 PM
"The developer also wants to let everyone know that the intent of this project is not to duplicate the iPhone interface but...take some of the principles of that user interface and bring it to Windows Mobile platform! One of the big keys here is operating the phone with just the thumbs. The Beta (or better Alpha) isn't yet available for public download but you can register on the site if you are interested to become a Beta tester."

If I'm honest about it, I find the iPhone absolutely intriguing - but not because of the specs, or the applications. The real revolution Apple has created with the iPhone (apart from creating the ultimate case study on how to properly hype a product) is the user interface, which is why so many people have been inspired to try and duplicate it on various devices - including believe it or not, this one (check out the first comment :lol:). The big stumbling block of course is the multi-touch capability, and the fact that the iPhone is designed to use finger interaction rather than the stylus/joystick/menu-driven interface most other phones use. has come up with a unique way to get around this fundamental barrier, and if he succeeds, more power to him - he's one of the first to get beyond the "it looks like the iPhone" skins, and get to the real substance behind the UI. About the only concern I have here is how power-hungry flash can get, and whether we'll have to accept performance hits for a chance to merge the capability and flexibility of WM, with the innovative UI Apple has come up with. My fingers are crossed.

If I'm honest about it, I find the iPhone absolutely intriguing - but not because of the specs, or the applications. The real revolution Apple has created with the iPhone (apart from creating the ultimate case study on how to properly hype a product) is the user interface, which is why so many people have been inspired to try and duplicate it on various devices - including believe it or not, this one (check out the first comment :lol:). The big stumbling block of course is the multi-touch capability, and the fact that the iPhone is designed to use finger interaction rather than the stylus/joystick/menu-driven interface most other phones use. has come up with a unique way to get around this fundamental barrier, and if he succeeds, more power to him - he's one of the first to get beyond the "it looks like the iPhone" skins, and get to the real substance behind the UI. About the only concern I have here is how power-hungry flash can get, and whether we'll have to accept performance hits for a chance to merge the capability and flexibility of WM, with the innovative UI Apple has come up with. My fingers are crossed.