Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Exosyphen Studios PocketPC Battery and Memory Monitor
Posted by Nurhisham Hussein in "SOFTWARE" @ 10:00 PM
"PocketPC Battery and Memory Monitor, displays the battery charge percent, estimated remaining battery time, and available storage memory, on the today screen of your PocketPC. "

It's another battery/memory monitor - enuff said. There's a lot of choice out there for these types of apps (both commercial and freeware), but if this takes your fancy, you can check it out through our affiliate link. PocketPC Battery and Memory Monitor retails for $7.45 and, as always, beware the download protection charge.

It's another battery/memory monitor - enuff said. There's a lot of choice out there for these types of apps (both commercial and freeware), but if this takes your fancy, you can check it out through our affiliate link. PocketPC Battery and Memory Monitor retails for $7.45 and, as always, beware the download protection charge.