Friday, June 22, 2007
Games Roundup
Posted by Nurhisham Hussein in "SOFTWARE" @ 01:00 PM
We have a couple of games for you to look at this weekend:
•First up PDAMill has released Corsair, a shoot'em up wrapped around a piratical storyline, with a thumbs up by no less than Werner Ruotsalainen (aka Menneisyys) himself. The game retails for $19.95, and you can purchase or downoad the demo through our affiliate link. As always - *Beware the download protection!*.
•Next, Herocraft has released Happy Lines, a puzzle game featuring 40 levels and some nice smiley faces to liven up your day! Happy Lines goes for $9.97, and you can get it through our affiliate link.
Screenshots after the break:

Happy Lines
•First up PDAMill has released Corsair, a shoot'em up wrapped around a piratical storyline, with a thumbs up by no less than Werner Ruotsalainen (aka Menneisyys) himself. The game retails for $19.95, and you can purchase or downoad the demo through our affiliate link. As always - *Beware the download protection!*.
•Next, Herocraft has released Happy Lines, a puzzle game featuring 40 levels and some nice smiley faces to liven up your day! Happy Lines goes for $9.97, and you can get it through our affiliate link.
Screenshots after the break:

Happy Lines