Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Mogoso for Product Research on the Go
Posted by Paul Martin in "NEWS" @ 07:27 PM
"Mogoso allows you to research a product and get reviews when you need it most: when you're out shopping, in the library, or renting a movie. The sites designed to work on modern smart phones like windows mobile, blackberry and treo. Example: Maybe that movie "The Ice Storm" is your kind of thing, but you're not sure. Via your phone, just go to, search for "The Ice Storm" (or its UPC code "024543012245"), and there you go! On top of that you get its price on amazon."

If you've ever found yourself in the store wondering if what you're looking at is a good price or what kind of reviews others have posted, you might find Mogoso useful. The developer says he's working on other enhancements so give it a spin. Now, if we could just get the stores to offer free wifi.... :lol:

If you've ever found yourself in the store wondering if what you're looking at is a good price or what kind of reviews others have posted, you might find Mogoso useful. The developer says he's working on other enhancements so give it a spin. Now, if we could just get the stores to offer free wifi.... :lol: