Thursday, June 7, 2007
Ars Technica Reviews MobiTV
Posted by Janak Parekh in "ARTICLE" @ 01:00 PM
"A couple of decades ago, watching TV on the go meant buying a Sony Watchman. First introduced in 1982 with a 2.5" grayscale display, the Watchman picked up a color display for the first time at the beginning of the 1990s...Fans of portable TV have many more choices today. You can buy episodes of your favorite television show on iTunes and watch them on your iPod, or cap shows on your PC and move them to a portable video player of your choice. If you've got one of over 30 different cell phones and service with just about any US cellular provider other than Verizon, there's another option: MobiTV."

Ars takes MobiTV for spin on a Treo 750. Their thoughts? Check out the article for full details, but the short version is that there are currently too many dropouts, even on AT&T's 3G network. I'm guessing this is a technology that'll improve over time, as data networks become faster and more stable.

Ars takes MobiTV for spin on a Treo 750. Their thoughts? Check out the article for full details, but the short version is that there are currently too many dropouts, even on AT&T's 3G network. I'm guessing this is a technology that'll improve over time, as data networks become faster and more stable.