Wednesday, June 6, 2007
R.I.P. Orange SPV - Or Not!
Posted by Paul Martin in "NEWS" @ 05:30 AM

Orange has announced they will carry the new HTC Touch as the...Orange HTC Touch. This marks a significant change in their marketing. Orange will do away with it's own Sound, Pictures, Video Smartphone, or SPV, moniker in favor of using HTC's own branding. "The HTC Touch will be initially available to Orange customers in the UK, France, Spain and the Netherlands."*** However, the change is not universal among carriers. "T-Mobile will launch a customised version of the device which will be named the MDA Touch across key European markets" ***(PDF press release).
After indicating that the SPV brand was history, apparently that wasn't quite correct. From Arne Hess:
Quote: "Orange UK just sent out an information to let us know that the company has no plans to drop the SPV brand in favor of the HTC brand in any of their markets - as reported earlier. SPV devices, as part of Orange Signature Series, are a very important part of Orange's device portfolio and have a lot of valued added Orange features. Orange will continue to launch SPV devices, as part of the Signature Series, some of which will be from HTC. As HTC are increasing the number of devices they launch Orange has decided that not all of them will be Signature Series and therefore not always SPV."
So, the reports of the death of SPV have been greatly exaggerated. So, if the HTC Touch won't have the Singature Series "value added Orange features", does this mean it will more easily accept HTC device updates? Hmmm.