Monday, June 4, 2007
What's Your Favorite Pocket PC Game?
Posted by Jon Westfall in "THOUGHT" @ 08:00 AM
I go through phases in regards to gaming with my Pocket PC. I'll latch onto a game and then play it till I beat it, or till I hard reset / switch devices, and then not play it ever again. Or I'll remember it a year later, reload it, and have fun once more. Some of you, I assume, are probably on extreme ends of the gaming spectrum (i.e. it's all you do vs. you never play games on your PPC), and some of you may just know about the games built in. So as Summer fast approaches in the northern hemisphere and diversions are needed for long car rides to vacation spots (and as winter approaches southern hemisphere readers who need something to play indoors), I figured a post on our favorite (all-time and/or current) games may be in order! I'll even start it off.

I've been playing (and am a bit addicted to) Spb Brain Evolution. Brain Evolution is a brain trainer-type program (others include Mastersoft's Brain School) that requires you to complete mini-games in order to strengthen your mind's problem solving abilities. Perhaps because I'm a cognitive psychologist-in-training specializing in decision making (an area fairly close to problem solving in some ways), I find the idea interesting and challenging. If you haven't tried Brain Evolution, you can download a trial from Spb's site. For what it's worth, in the past year my "favorite games" have also included Spb's Air Islands, and Mastersoft's Sudoku! Now it's your turn - do share!

I've been playing (and am a bit addicted to) Spb Brain Evolution. Brain Evolution is a brain trainer-type program (others include Mastersoft's Brain School) that requires you to complete mini-games in order to strengthen your mind's problem solving abilities. Perhaps because I'm a cognitive psychologist-in-training specializing in decision making (an area fairly close to problem solving in some ways), I find the idea interesting and challenging. If you haven't tried Brain Evolution, you can download a trial from Spb's site. For what it's worth, in the past year my "favorite games" have also included Spb's Air Islands, and Mastersoft's Sudoku! Now it's your turn - do share!