Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Windows Mobile 6 Updates: E-TEN and O2 Say Yes, HP Says No
Posted by Darius Wey in "NEWS" @ 07:00 AM
"Announcements about Windows Mobile 6 upgrades are coming thick and fast. This time, there's both good news and bad news for E-Ten glofiish and HP iPaq users, respectively. In a press release, E-Ten announced that it will be upgrading its glofiish X500 and M700 devices to WM6. HP users, on the other hand, will not get WM6 upgrades for the iPaq hw6900, rw6800, rx4000 and rx5000 series of handhelds. The computer giant cited "the potential for long delays, as well as possible carry-over costs" to its customers as reasons for this decision."

E-TEN's upcoming Windows Mobile 6 updates isn't news to us, although O2's Windows Mobile 6 updates for the Atom Life, and possibly the Zinc, certainly is. Sadly, HP is showing its customers the door. Any iPAQ users here feeling a little blue? :cry:
Update: Thanks to Clinton Fitch, we've received confirmation that the Xda Zinc will indeed receive a Windows Mobile 6 update.

E-TEN's upcoming Windows Mobile 6 updates isn't news to us, although O2's Windows Mobile 6 updates for the Atom Life, and possibly the Zinc, certainly is. Sadly, HP is showing its customers the door. Any iPAQ users here feeling a little blue? :cry:
Update: Thanks to Clinton Fitch, we've received confirmation that the Xda Zinc will indeed receive a Windows Mobile 6 update.