Saturday, May 5, 2007
Clinton Fitch Reviews Astraware's Alchemy
Posted by Nurhisham Hussein in "SOFTWARE" @ 01:00 PM
"Of the several Astraware games that I have reviewed and tested, I must say that Alchemy is one of the most addictive! The game play is simple but the game itself is challenging if not flat-out difficult at times. The more you play the game, the more addictive it becomes but it also challenges you to think about strategies of where to place runes. I find myself playing Alchemy almost daily and it has yet to cause boredom! There is nothing within Alchemy that I would change as the graphics are superior, the game play is challenging, the music is catchy and it runs great on Windows Mobile 5.0 and Pocket PC 2003 devices as I tested it on several."

Alchemy is just the latest in a line of brain teasers from game developer Astraware, and our very own Clinton Fitch has a typically thorough review of the game. As you can see, he likes it a lot! You can download a trial or purchase Alchemy for $9.95 through our affiliate link.

Alchemy is just the latest in a line of brain teasers from game developer Astraware, and our very own Clinton Fitch has a typically thorough review of the game. As you can see, he likes it a lot! You can download a trial or purchase Alchemy for $9.95 through our affiliate link.