Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Dave Evans Reviews the HTC Advantage
Posted by Nurhisham Hussein in "HARDWARE" @ 02:00 AM
"Every once in awhile a device comes along that changes the scenery of Windows Mobile. The first 3650 iPaq had a huge impact on the launch of Pocket PCs. The Dell Axim X5 made an impact on the pricing of Pocket PCs. The Wizard added the ever popular slide out keyboard, and the Universal with its mini laptop style opened new doors for data-centric devices. I think the X7500 falls into that elite group of influential devices."

Paragon has a great review of the HTC Advantage focusing squarely on the usability of the device, with lots of pics to prove his points. If you're on the edge in terms of buying the Advantage (that is, if you can afford it :roll:), this review should give you some nudges in the right direction.

Paragon has a great review of the HTC Advantage focusing squarely on the usability of the device, with lots of pics to prove his points. If you're on the edge in terms of buying the Advantage (that is, if you can afford it :roll:), this review should give you some nudges in the right direction.