Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Save $10 on Helium Digital's HDBT-700 Bluetooth Headphones
Posted by Darius Wey in "ARTICLE" @ 04:00 PM
"People with Windows Mobile devices – whether they be network-connected smartphones with the latest EVDO or UMTS wireless technology, or PDAs using 802.11b WiFi – all have one thing in common: they want to get rid of all the wires. I can recall the days when PDAs required connecting to a phone line or CAT5 Ethernet cable in order to get Internet access (yes, I am getting old). Now that we have the wireless networking part more or less nailed, there’s just one more wire that’s got to go: the cable connecting headphones for listening to music. Helium Digital’s HDBT-700 Bluetooth headphones aim to do exactly that."

If you're in the market for Bluetooth headphones, check out Jason's review of Helium Digital's HDBT-700 over at the Two Inch View. And if you like what you see, you can purchase it (or any other Helium Digital product) with a $10 discount by entering the coupon code, Thoughts-HD, at the checkout. This offer is valid until the end of May. Happy shopping!

If you're in the market for Bluetooth headphones, check out Jason's review of Helium Digital's HDBT-700 over at the Two Inch View. And if you like what you see, you can purchase it (or any other Helium Digital product) with a $10 discount by entering the coupon code, Thoughts-HD, at the checkout. This offer is valid until the end of May. Happy shopping!