Thursday, April 12, 2007
Phraze-It Keyboard 2.0
Posted by Nurhisham Hussein in "SOFTWARE" @ 10:30 PM
"Phraze-It comes with a "complete computer keyboard" for those long diatribes, but it was designed for typing with index fingers and thumbs. We'd like to see the unit before we agree with the company's claim of "accurate, easy to use on-screen keys" that "let mobile users have an equivalent desktop experience on their PDAs and PDA phones," but from what we've heard, this sounds like a humdinger for those that don't want a 23 inch-wide keyboard protruding from their backpack."

I've been a long time user of various third-party on-screen input methods (including on-screen keyboards), especially since I use a QWERTY-challenged PDA. Phraze-It uses a variation of the OSK where access to certain keys are controlled by the vowel keys, which allows individual keys to be much larger and more accessible for thumb-typing. I'm a bit dubious about the utility of this for anything but short messages or email, but on that score, it certainly makes for an attractive input alternative. You can try out or purchase Phraze-it through our affiliate store for $17.76.

I've been a long time user of various third-party on-screen input methods (including on-screen keyboards), especially since I use a QWERTY-challenged PDA. Phraze-It uses a variation of the OSK where access to certain keys are controlled by the vowel keys, which allows individual keys to be much larger and more accessible for thumb-typing. I'm a bit dubious about the utility of this for anything but short messages or email, but on that score, it certainly makes for an attractive input alternative. You can try out or purchase Phraze-it through our affiliate store for $17.76.