Wednesday, April 11, 2007
The Gadgeteer Reviews CalliGrapher 8.5
Posted by Darius Wey in "ARTICLE" @ 11:00 AM
"This software review is on PhatWare's CalliGrapher which has to be on the "must-have" list of utilities for any serious PDA junkie's collection. Setting aside the Casio B.O.S.S. I used only briefly, I consider my first handheld to be the Apple Newton MessagePad. What was the big attraction of the MessagePad device? It was its handwriting-to-text translation, the earliest ancestor of today's CalliGrapher. The inventors of that software was not Apple but actually some creative Russian programmers and the company they eventually formed called Paragraph International."

Thinking of purchasing CalliGrapher 8.5? If you answered "yes", take a look at The Gadgeteer's latest review of the SIP. Based on its set of features, high level of accuracy, and ease of use, they give it two thumbs up (as have most others who have reviewed it).

Thinking of purchasing CalliGrapher 8.5? If you answered "yes", take a look at The Gadgeteer's latest review of the SIP. Based on its set of features, high level of accuracy, and ease of use, they give it two thumbs up (as have most others who have reviewed it).