Friday, March 30, 2007
Minimo Updated To Version 0.2
Posted by Nurhisham Hussein in "SOFTWARE" @ 12:00 AM
"Minimo is a small, simple, powerful and innovative, web browser for mobile devices, which is based on Mozilla technologies. to produce a highly usable web browser for Windows Mobile smartphones. Minimo 0.2 now includes best available support for modern web standards including Javascript and AJAX, social bookmarking, tabbed browsing (something the Internet Explorer Mobile still lacks), RSS support as well as Widget and Extension support!"

Darn! Just when an app gets really interesting, they turn it into WM5+ only! I got disappointed with Deepfish yesterday, now Minimo has just given me another low blow. If you ain't a dinosaur like me, go ahead and check out the 0.2 version - the biggest weakness of most WM browsers (pace Steve Jobs) is the lack of full support for the latest web technologies (ok, ok, layout matters too). It sounds like the mobile browser of our dreams is almost here!

Darn! Just when an app gets really interesting, they turn it into WM5+ only! I got disappointed with Deepfish yesterday, now Minimo has just given me another low blow. If you ain't a dinosaur like me, go ahead and check out the 0.2 version - the biggest weakness of most WM browsers (pace Steve Jobs) is the lack of full support for the latest web technologies (ok, ok, layout matters too). It sounds like the mobile browser of our dreams is almost here!