Monday, March 26, 2007
AOL Partners With Orb To Launch Winamp Remote
Posted by Nurhisham Hussein in "SOFTWARE" @ 02:00 AM
"In partnership with Orb, Winamp remote lets anyone with a mobile phone or Windows Mobile smartphone access the music collection stored on the home PC (similar to what Orb's MyCast service also delivers)."

I stopped using Winamp ages ago, not since AOL bought Nullsoft, but Winamp Remote may add some value if you're a Winamp user. I've used Orb and can attest that it works great (at least as far as stored media is concerned - I'm still waiting for them to fix Orb Secure for webcam access), and calling up your music library on the go is pretty cool. Having said that (and I may be completely clueless about the issues here), I'm not sure what the real attraction here is - if Orb Mycast can deliver the same service, what's the point of having another client even if you are a Winamp user? Orb watches folders you specify, and as long as the format is compatible, the media gets displayed in your MyCast playlists. Can somebody tell me if I'm way off base here?

I stopped using Winamp ages ago, not since AOL bought Nullsoft, but Winamp Remote may add some value if you're a Winamp user. I've used Orb and can attest that it works great (at least as far as stored media is concerned - I'm still waiting for them to fix Orb Secure for webcam access), and calling up your music library on the go is pretty cool. Having said that (and I may be completely clueless about the issues here), I'm not sure what the real attraction here is - if Orb Mycast can deliver the same service, what's the point of having another client even if you are a Winamp user? Orb watches folders you specify, and as long as the format is compatible, the media gets displayed in your MyCast playlists. Can somebody tell me if I'm way off base here?