Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Google Executive Confirms Rumours Of Google Phone - Honest!
Posted by Nurhisham Hussein in "HARDWARE" @ 06:00 PM
"The head of Google in Spain and Portugal has confirmed that Google is working on a mobile phone. 'Some of the time the engineers are dedicated to developing a mobile phone,' Isabel Aguilera is quoted as saying on the Spanish news Web site Noticias.com."

Straight from the horse's mouth as it were - so there! But seriously, the case for Google getting into the mobile hardware business is even less compelling than that for Apple, as this dissenting view lays out. If indeed the 'no-smoke-without-a-fire' speculation is true, Google appears to be going mass-market rather than the 'so-chic-you-can't-live-without-it' road that Apple is taking. So, any thoughts on the truth of this? Better still, would you want to have Google in the hardware arena?
Update: After letting everyone wallow in a speculative frenzy for a while, Google has (sort of) denied they are planning any mobile hardware (link and link). Anyone else find it interesting that all these tidbits are coming from Google managers outside the US and not Google HQ?

Straight from the horse's mouth as it were - so there! But seriously, the case for Google getting into the mobile hardware business is even less compelling than that for Apple, as this dissenting view lays out. If indeed the 'no-smoke-without-a-fire' speculation is true, Google appears to be going mass-market rather than the 'so-chic-you-can't-live-without-it' road that Apple is taking. So, any thoughts on the truth of this? Better still, would you want to have Google in the hardware arena?
Update: After letting everyone wallow in a speculative frenzy for a while, Google has (sort of) denied they are planning any mobile hardware (link and link). Anyone else find it interesting that all these tidbits are coming from Google managers outside the US and not Google HQ?