Monday, March 12, 2007
HTC Advantage Preview
Posted by Nurhisham Hussein in "HARDWARE" @ 12:30 AM
"2007 mark the birth of a new type of device. An example of as the convergence between Pocket PC traditional and smartphone the HTC Advantage X7500 (better known with codename the Athena is not the only tendency in action) demonstrates in fact as the convergence between PC and PDA-Phone is not only completed in UMPC (that is Ultra Mobile PC), but above all in the UMPPC (Ultra Mobile Pocket PC). " have published a nice preview of the HTC Advantage - if you've been following the news about this uber-device there isn't anything really new in the article, though it provides a pretty good rundown of the layout, size and functions of the Advantage plus some closeup shots. Of note however are comparison shots between the Advantage and TyTN (Hermes) and S620 (Excalibur), which should be useful in gauging the real size of this device. You can access the decent Google translation here. Oh, and I'm not really sure we need another category of Pocket PCs just yet :lol:. have published a nice preview of the HTC Advantage - if you've been following the news about this uber-device there isn't anything really new in the article, though it provides a pretty good rundown of the layout, size and functions of the Advantage plus some closeup shots. Of note however are comparison shots between the Advantage and TyTN (Hermes) and S620 (Excalibur), which should be useful in gauging the real size of this device. You can access the decent Google translation here. Oh, and I'm not really sure we need another category of Pocket PCs just yet :lol:.