Saturday, March 10, 2007
WebIS Announces the Public Beta of FlexMail 2007 Rev 2
Posted by Darius Wey in "SOFTWARE" @ 07:10 PM
"A few days ago we released a public beta of FlexMail 2007 on our forums. This release has had many months of very focused determined work on really making the best email client on any platform. We've had a lot of misses in the past on this but this time I think we got there. Part of the reason is we took some of our biggest critics and brought them in to our internal testing team. These guys hammered the software like a piece of steel being made into a sword. We got some very talented people on the Smartphone side as well that have allowed us to really polish the Smartphone side of the software very well... FlexMail 2007 Rev 2 is now up to the standard that Pocket Informant is known for throughout the Windows Mobile community. This is a public beta - while no known crashes exist, no known reliability issues exist - we really want your help in testing this software for final release. We've gotten a lot of positive feedback in the last two days; probably more than we've ever had before. So I'd like to make sure that we get all the cracks filled if any still exist. I say that with some trepidation because we all know software has cracks that sometimes only are found when we get enough people working on it."

Alex from WebIS tells it like it is. The upcoming version of FlexMail 2007 contains plenty of new features, bug fixes, and performance tweaks, but still requires a bit of polishing before being given the green light for a final release, so this is where you can jump in. Head over to the WebIS forums and learn how you can sign up for an account and get involved in the public FlexMail project.

Alex from WebIS tells it like it is. The upcoming version of FlexMail 2007 contains plenty of new features, bug fixes, and performance tweaks, but still requires a bit of polishing before being given the green light for a final release, so this is where you can jump in. Head over to the WebIS forums and learn how you can sign up for an account and get involved in the public FlexMail project.