Sunday, March 4, 2007
Laridian Releases Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "CONTENT" @ 03:00 PM
Laridian has just released bundle 1 of the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture. When done, this will be a 28 book series covering the entire Bible. It contains the writings of such early church fathers as Augustine, Jerome, Origen, Tertullian and dozens of others.

"Today the historical-critical method of interpretation has nearly exhausted its claim on the biblical text and on the church. In its wake there is a widespread yearning among Christian individuals and communities for the wholesome, the deep and the enduring. The Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture seeks not to replace those excellent commentaries that have been produced in the twentieth century. It supplements them, framing them with interpretive voices that have long sustained the church and only recently have fallen silent. It invites us to listen with appreciative ears and sympathetic minds as our ancient ancestors in the faith describe and interpret the scriptural vistas as they see them."
This is no small series of writings. Each verse may have some commentary from these ancient writers. To give you an idea of how much text is in each book, they range from 750KB to 1.1MB, whereas bible translations are usually in the 2.5-3MB range, so each book has roughly one third the text of the entire bible. They are $19.99 each, or $199.99 for all 12 books. However, if you check out using the promotional code PPCT27 you will get 20% off of the books when you also buy PocketBible 3.0, which is required. If you already own PocketBible 3.0, you should have received a discount code directly from Laridian in your email. Even without the discount, this is about half the price these books command in a store, and you can't search through those, highlight text or add notes the same way you can with PocketBible 3.0. :wink: For any PalmOS users out there, the books and discount code work with MyBible from Laridian.
Laridian has just released bundle 1 of the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture. When done, this will be a 28 book series covering the entire Bible. It contains the writings of such early church fathers as Augustine, Jerome, Origen, Tertullian and dozens of others.

"Today the historical-critical method of interpretation has nearly exhausted its claim on the biblical text and on the church. In its wake there is a widespread yearning among Christian individuals and communities for the wholesome, the deep and the enduring. The Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture seeks not to replace those excellent commentaries that have been produced in the twentieth century. It supplements them, framing them with interpretive voices that have long sustained the church and only recently have fallen silent. It invites us to listen with appreciative ears and sympathetic minds as our ancient ancestors in the faith describe and interpret the scriptural vistas as they see them."
This is no small series of writings. Each verse may have some commentary from these ancient writers. To give you an idea of how much text is in each book, they range from 750KB to 1.1MB, whereas bible translations are usually in the 2.5-3MB range, so each book has roughly one third the text of the entire bible. They are $19.99 each, or $199.99 for all 12 books. However, if you check out using the promotional code PPCT27 you will get 20% off of the books when you also buy PocketBible 3.0, which is required. If you already own PocketBible 3.0, you should have received a discount code directly from Laridian in your email. Even without the discount, this is about half the price these books command in a store, and you can't search through those, highlight text or add notes the same way you can with PocketBible 3.0. :wink: For any PalmOS users out there, the books and discount code work with MyBible from Laridian.