Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Dude! Where Are We??? -- Off-Roadin' With Fugawi Global Navigator 3.3.1
Posted by Don Tolson in "SOFTWARE" @ 09:00 AM

Product Category: Software – GPS Tracking
Manufacturer: Fugawi
Where to Buy: Fugawi (Northstar)
Price: $119.95USD including PDA Edition (PPC or Palm) and one Bonus DataPack for USA, Canada, Europe or International. A fully functioning 10-day trial is available.
System Requirements: Desktop version (required) must be Win 2000, XP or NT4. PPC requires PPC 2002, 2003 (and SE, I assume) or WM5.
Specifications: Desktop application requires 500Mhz CPU, 256M RAM, 250Mb (including maps) CD and DVD drives. PPC application requires approximately 500kb of memory. Application and maps can be installed to storage card or main memory.
Looking to do some off-road trekking? Fugawi's Global Navigator can help keep you on track where there are no tracks, and safely get you back home...or at least, back to where you left the car. While not quite as full-featured as some of the car navigation systems coming out now, it's a good companion for those times when the road is left far behind.
Read on for the full review!