Monday, February 12, 2007
Jason Langridge on Windows Mobile 6
Posted by Nurhisham Hussein in "SOFTWARE" @ 05:00 PM
"I've been dying to write a blog post about Windows Mobile 6 for so long now that the anticipation has almost got the better of me! I've been using Windows Mobile 6 (what was codenamed Crossbow) for well over a year now as it's always a difficult balance for me - I love the fact I get access to product really early but if my customers can't experience it then I don't want to be too distracted until it's finally available!"

If you haven't already gone through all the news on Windows Mobile 6, Jason Langridge sums it all up for you - with lots of screenshots. Although the focus is mainly on the changes affecting enterprise use, it's useful from a consumer perspective too, so check it out.

If you haven't already gone through all the news on Windows Mobile 6, Jason Langridge sums it all up for you - with lots of screenshots. Although the focus is mainly on the changes affecting enterprise use, it's useful from a consumer perspective too, so check it out.