Monday, February 12, 2007
Asus P526 Runs Windows Mobile 6
Posted by Darius Wey in "HARDWARE" @ 02:00 AM

Details of Asus' upcoming devices are slowly trickling in. Last month, we lifted the covers off the P526, a slim GPS-enabled Pocket PC Phone (a.k.a. Windows Mobile Professional device) with EDGE connectivity. And just recently, GPSAndCo published a few pictures of this device (P526 on the right in the picture above), which make clear its 2.0-megapixel camera and use of Windows Mobile 6. There's still no word on a drop date or price, but with manufacturers currently parading their bundles of joy at 3GSM, it shouldn't be too long before more is revealed.
Update: More pictures after the break.

Pictured above (starting from left): the Asus P526, P735, and Aries.