Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Shaking Off The Shackles: Treo 750 To Be Sold Unlocked In Europe
Posted by Nurhisham Hussein in "HARDWARE" @ 12:30 AM
"Palm, Inc. today announced the Palm Treo 750 Windows Mobile Pocket PC Phone Edition, previously available as Palm 750v ... on Vodafone's 3G/UMTS network since September 2006 in the UK and across much of Western Europe, will be made SIM free and unlocked generally available across Europe via Palm's online store and from retail outlets beginning Feb. 6."

theunwired.net has picked up some welcome news - for those in Europe who weren't lucky enough to pick up the 750 as a Vodafone customer, you can now get the Treo 750 sans contract direct from Palm and other retail outlets, beginning from today. Not surprisingly, there's a hefty markup to pay for the privilege - it'll cost 649 Euros, compared to 329.90 Euros with Vodafone's cheapest contract. Even at that price though, it's still a pretty good deal for an unlocked HSDPA phone (if you don't mind the lack of wifi that is).

theunwired.net has picked up some welcome news - for those in Europe who weren't lucky enough to pick up the 750 as a Vodafone customer, you can now get the Treo 750 sans contract direct from Palm and other retail outlets, beginning from today. Not surprisingly, there's a hefty markup to pay for the privilege - it'll cost 649 Euros, compared to 329.90 Euros with Vodafone's cheapest contract. Even at that price though, it's still a pretty good deal for an unlocked HSDPA phone (if you don't mind the lack of wifi that is).