Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Spb Software House Mobile Shell
Posted by Judie Lipsett Hughes in "SOFTWARE" @ 11:45 AM

Product Category: Software - Pocket PC Phone Productivity
Manufacturer: Spb Software House
Where to Buy: Mobihand Affiliate Store
Price: $29.95 USD
System Requirements: A Windows Mobile Device, may be downloaded as a CAB file (1.96MB) or as an EXE (2.52MB)
One of the things I like most about my Treo 700wx is that it allows near perfect one-handed operation, both as a phone and as a PDA. However, due the lesser resolution of its screen when compared to other Pocket PCs, many of the Today screen plug-ins that I enjoy on other models require scrolling in order to be seen. Spb Mobile Shell manages to provide a more intuitive launcher than the Start menu, while combining a variety of desirable Today screen functions.
Read on for the full review!