Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Mobility Site Reviews The JAQ3
Posted by Jon Westfall in "HARDWARE" @ 01:50 PM
"There are so many devices out there that it is often difficult to decide just what device is the best to fit your needs. No matter what device you pick, ultimately it has to perform the basic functions that you need and hopefully will have those extras that will reaffirm the decision you made for a particular device.I have been fortunate to have had a myriad of devices, all shapes, all sizes, different form factors and different unique characteristics that make them terrific (and some not so terrific) but none have had the JAQ3 super sleek design that provides all of the functions I want combined with a very slim form factor. The only devices I have used in the past that have had this slimness have been Smartphones and a few using the Symbian operating system. All have been nice but I really like the functionality of a device that uses Windows Mobile for Pocket PC. As much as I like Smartphones, the Pocket PC OS gives me just a little bit more of the ability to make choices on what and how I will perform tasks. My first impression is that the JAQ3 is a device made for the mobile road warrior that wants the ability to perform all of those daily tasks quickly and easily like you can on a Smartphone but yet have that extra ability to perform more in depth functions provided by the typical device that has the Pocket PC OS incorporated in it. The JAQ3 uniquely incorporates a QWERTY keyboard, a landscape touch-screen and 4-way navigation/action button as well as a JOG Dial and an OK key on the left side to make one handed access easy."

Fancy a JAQ3? Well, Mobility Site has a nice review of the unit up and from all indications, they aren't very impressed with it. Sure it's great for beginners, but power users will not be amazed. What's your take on this little, long device that apparently a bunch of cool people in sunglasses use?

Fancy a JAQ3? Well, Mobility Site has a nice review of the unit up and from all indications, they aren't very impressed with it. Sure it's great for beginners, but power users will not be amazed. What's your take on this little, long device that apparently a bunch of cool people in sunglasses use?