Tuesday, January 23, 2007
HTC Athena: Windows Mobile on Steroids
Posted by Nurhisham Hussein in "HARDWARE" @ 12:30 PM
"Athena is to be highlighted in the 'small' 5" LCD (!! bat and the best type of market, like small Sony Vaio UX17!) equipped with portable keyboards, NoteBook, PDA, Table PC, uMPC immediately change change change With the ups and downs can also feel that the appropriate mix of demand profile occasions factory! uMPC so appealing. through layers of the author, piles of compassion, in a string of night-time network last night. from 'deep throat' to shake the hands of these received the 'history of the smallest uMPC'..."

Ok, the translation leaves a little bit to be desired (alright, a LOT to be desired), but the pictures speak for themselves. Taiwanese site MobileLife has managed to get some hands-on time with a working model of the Athena, and oh my, isn't it intriguing? Especially the close-up shot of the VGA/composite out screen. Enjoy the p0rn!!

Ok, the translation leaves a little bit to be desired (alright, a LOT to be desired), but the pictures speak for themselves. Taiwanese site MobileLife has managed to get some hands-on time with a working model of the Athena, and oh my, isn't it intriguing? Especially the close-up shot of the VGA/composite out screen. Enjoy the p0rn!!