Saturday, January 20, 2007
Random Saturday Giveaway: Win a Copy of Lego Star Wars II
Posted by Jason Dunn in "EVENT" @ 06:00 AM

Coming home from CES, I happened to return with a few things that I think others would enjoy more than myself, so it's time for another giveaway! One of these things is the game Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (courtesy of Microsoft). This game has some very impressive Lego graphics, and is very fun to play. I still haven't played Neverwinter Nights 2 more than three times yet since I got it at Christmas, so I just know I'm not going to get to this game. Want to win it? Post a message in this thread telling me your earliest Star Wars memory. Did you see any of the original movies as a kid? Or were you a "late bloomer" and saw the movies later in life? One post per person, and I'm going to shut down down the contest randomly at some point today. Or maybe tomorrow. We'll see. ;-) [and in case anyone is curious, I have two copies of the game so there's a contest over at Digital Media Thoughts as well - please only enter one or the other]
UPDATE: I did the random drawing, and the winner was richardsp. Congratulations! I was personally quite touched by code-frog's story, so I'll be securing him a copy of this game as well. Thanks for participating everyone!