Saturday, January 13, 2007
Clinton Fitch Reviews SoftMaker Office 2006
Posted by Paul Martin in "ARTICLE" @ 06:30 AM
"New to this version of TextMaker is "Track Changes" and annotations or comments. Track Changes is a powerful feature commonly used in business environments where multiple groups or individuals are reviewing a document. Essentially this allows for any changes made to a document to be noted and either accepted or rejected by you once you get the document back from the reviewer. As with other formatting features, Track Changes is synchronized with your desktop PC if you have the desktop version of TextMaker. Comments allow you to make annotations on a document pointing out something to the reviewer or the author."

I didn't realize it had been almost 4 years since TextMaker2002 was released! Certainly with the improvements in the Windows Mobile 5 applications, it's natural to wonder if a full-featured suite like SoftMaker Office is still needed. Clinton Fitch offers his answer in a full review of both TextMaker and PlanMaker. For those that have TextMaker 2002, have you upgraded or are you planning to upgrade to SoftMaker Office 2006?

I didn't realize it had been almost 4 years since TextMaker2002 was released! Certainly with the improvements in the Windows Mobile 5 applications, it's natural to wonder if a full-featured suite like SoftMaker Office is still needed. Clinton Fitch offers his answer in a full review of both TextMaker and PlanMaker. For those that have TextMaker 2002, have you upgraded or are you planning to upgrade to SoftMaker Office 2006?