Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Big review of HP iPAQ rw6815 Personal Messenger
Posted by Jon Westfall in "HARDWARE" @ 07:00 AM
"It may be just my impression, but Hewlett-Packard used to be more fertile in the area of Pocket PC devices in past. During the last year or two it has not been such an innovator as it used to be in past years. Therefore, the fans of this brand will be even more pleased that the company has saved a few surprises for the end of 2006. You can therefore choose between the Pocket PC with integrated GPS and huge memory HP iPAQ 5000 series, cheap multimedia Pocket PC HP iPAQ type rx4000 or a small Pocket PC with integrated telephone module that is called HP iPAQ rw6815. And the last device mentioned is the subject of this detailed review.Two things to start off with. At first I would like to draw your attention to the fact that due to increased activity amongst PDA producers, I have had to increase my output a bit. Therefore, a standard review takes 14 days now: during the first week, the device is tested (output, battery durability etc.), while in the second week, the device is used intensely in both everyday routine and special operation tasks while the review is being written. I will do my best to achieve maximum accuracy and detail, but I will be glad anyway if you would let me know (in the discussion) whether this is noticeable. And the second thing: I would like to thank Sunnysoft, which lent the device to me for the purpose of this review and which also sells this product."

I'll agree with PDAGold - this is a BIG review! The rw6815 seems to be the epitome of mediocre. Not too great, but not bad either. It reminds me of my Jasjar though - a bit thick!

I'll agree with PDAGold - this is a BIG review! The rw6815 seems to be the epitome of mediocre. Not too great, but not bad either. It reminds me of my Jasjar though - a bit thick!